Unit Standard

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12352 (v7b)
Describe aspects of one’s own lineage/whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity

Level: 2 Credits: 3 Marking Service


The purpose of this course is for learners to be able to describe aspects of their own lineage/whakapapa, heritage, and cultural identity.

Learners who successfully complete this course are able to describe:

  • their own whakapapa/lineage
  • a factor in their family history and it’s current effect on them
  • general cultural characteristics with which they personally identify
  • their own expression of cultural identity.

Inform learners about their right to privacy, and also the right to privacy of their family members (living and deceased). Learners should only provide information about themselves they are comfortable sharing with others. However, learners should be encouraged to reflect privately on aspects of their family history and cultural identity. Where relevant, learners should inform relatives of their intention to share aspects of their family history as part of this course. And, to gain permission from relatives to share information about them or their direct ancestors.